8. Wool Dryer Balls

Suddenly I find myself doing crazy things like making dryer balls. How did I get here?

I had wool yarn that a neighbor gave to me from when she helped clean out someone’s garage – so my total cost was pretty much nothing. I did wash the yarn before I wound it, because it smelled like garage and there was some stuff stuck in it. But I figure even with the extra work to wash the yarn, they

Here are the balls of yarn before they were felted. Don’t look too much different, really.

are free. Even if they turn out to not help at all I won’t be heartbroken. Took four skeins to make eight balls.

The felting was interesting, since I’ve never done it before; but luckily I wore a hole in my nylons on Sunday, so I had them to knot the balls in. It’s all working out well so far, don’t you think? Mondays are laundry day AND husband had the day off, so I did – let’s see – five loads of laundry? And the dryer balls got in on either three or four of those. Plenty to felt the yarn together. Wahoo!

8. Wool Dryer Balls