12. ‘Paper’ Towels

So we’ve been doing cloth diapers and I made some cloth napkins a couple of months ago, which have more than served their time. Lots of messes around here. My grandma’s awesome friends who make cloth diapers en masse for charity had sent me a garbage bag full of birdseye cotton when I made C’s

Scraps of blue birdseye cotton. Hmm... the potential!
Scraps of blue birdseye cotton. Hmm… the potential!

diapers, and that was what I used for the napkins. It works really well now that it’s been washed a few times, so I figured I would use what was left to make cloth paper towels. Which, by the way, is such an awkward name… I mean, they’re not paper. The end. They’re kitchen rags that you don’t intend to use for dishes. Oh well, it’s all semantics.

I’m not really in the habit of paying money for my projects – is that bad? – but I wanted some cute cotton print (read: quilting fabric) for the reverse side of these. Luckily the fabric store had a sale, so I went that week. And it got even better, because there wasn’t much left, so they gave me the last bit for even cheaper – something about the end of bolt price. Didn’t even know they did that. Score! Making them was pretty straightforward, if a little time-consuming.

All finished, ready to get dirty.
All finished, ready to get dirty.

Cut squares (I think I did 12×12, or whatever I could get out of my scraps of birdseye), serge together with a hole to turn, clip corners, turn, press, topstitch. Turned out pretty dang cute if I do say so myself. I’m in love with the flowers.

If you feel that you need to this yourself, but need more specific directions, this is a good tutorial, with some good ideas in the comments. I opted out of the snaps/velcro because I’m still keeping regular paper towels in my kitchen for now (don’t feel like trying to wash bacon grease out of my cute cloth towels), so I will just put these in a napkin holder until I think of a more brilliant storage idea. If you happen to have a more brilliant idea, please feel free to share!

12. ‘Paper’ Towels